Hiding Edith

By Kathy Kacer
Level 7

Being Jewish in Austria has become quite dangerous for young Edith Schwalb’s family, and they realize they must escape as soon as possible. So starts Edith’s journey of moving from place to place in order to stay alive. Edith’s mother makes the hard decision to send Edith and her younger brother, Gaston, to Moissac, France, where they will be cared for and protected. Edith meets other Jewish children there, and they are all safe for the time being. When the war advances toward Moissac, they must flee again, seeking refuge from those who are willing to keep their Jewish heritage a secret.
This is among one of the most touching WWII stories I have read. Kacer has done an amazing job with her vivid descriptions. It is easy to picture Edith and the situations she goes through. I also enjoyed seeing the goodness and generosity of those willing to sacrifice their lives to protect those in danger. Although the book is not violently graphic, sensitive children may have issues with the scenes of airplanes bombing the Moissac building.

(Reviewed by an Official Good and Beautiful Reviewer)

Region Austria; France
Period WWII
Genre Biography
Digital Format E-book
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • E-Book
  • 4 Entertainment Value
  • 4.5 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 4.5 Literary Value
Rating System