Newton’s Laws: A Fairy Tale

By Sarah Allen
Level 6

Newton’s Laws: A Fairy Tale by Sarah Allen is a fictional tale about Isaac Newton and his new friend Kip. When the king dies, the people of the kingdom decide that whoever can come up with three laws and make the entire kingdom follow them will inherit the throne! Newton and Kip set off on an adventure, and on the way they think of laws that all people already follow. This is a perfect way for children to learn about Newton’s three laws in a fun and engaging way. This book is not in any way historically accurate, but the scientific information presented in the book is correct. After the short tale, the author goes into a bit more detail about each law. There are also some practice problems for the reader to try at the end of the book.

(Reviewed by an Official Good and Beautiful Reviewer)

Genre Fiction
Digital Format Audiobook, E-book
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Audiobook
  • Contains Magic
  • E-Book
  • 4 Entertainment Value
  • 3.5 Moral Value
  • 3.5 Educational Value
  • 4 Literary Value
Rating System