The Wheel on the School by Meindert DeJong

The Wheel on the School

By Meindert DeJong
Level 6

This Newbery Medal book, written in 1954, is a delightful gem that takes place in a little Dutch fishing village named Shora. Why do storks no longer come to Shora? The school teacher challenges his small class to find out and do something about it. I did this as a read-aloud, and my children loved the story. I also loved the elevated vocabulary and model writing. The story gives insight into the history and culture of the Dutch people as well as teaching about kindness, putting your dreams into action, perseverance, and friendship. I also love how the youth come to be friends with the old people in the village. This is the kind of book that most kids today would turn up their noses at, feeling it was boring and too challenging. However, this is exactly the kind of gentle, wholesome, and meaningful book youth should be reading, instead of the high-action, easy-reading, violent, titillating, valueless books that are so popular

(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)

Region Europe, Netherlands
Genre Fiction
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Top Picks
  • 5 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 5 Literary Value
Rating System