7 Tipping Points That Saved the World by Chris Stewart & Ted Stewart

7 Tipping Points That Saved the World

By Chris Stewart & Ted Stewart
Level 9

Brothers Chris and Ted Stewart brilliantly illustrate seven important tipping points in world history that led to the extraordinary time period of America. This fascinating book helps readers see God’s divine hand in decisive historical events and the incredible and rare blessing of freedom that America has enjoyed. Not only was my knowledge increased greatly from reading this book, but I also felt that my faith in and gratitude toward God was deepened. In addition to having high moral, literary, and educational value, this book also has high entertainment value. The authors skillfully weave seven fictional stories with nonfictional historical details. This is not a book for just adults; teenagers should read this book and understand these concepts!

(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)

Genre Fiction, Nonfiction
Digital Format Audiobook, E-book
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Audiobook
  • E-Book
  • 3 Entertainment Value
  • 5 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 4.5 Literary Value
Rating System