Andy Finds a Way

By Jesse Stuart
Level 5

Andy lives in the Appalachian mountains with his mother and father. Life can get pretty lonely up there, so when their heifer has a calf that is the color of sod, Andy falls in love and wants to keep him for a pet. Unfortunately, his family needs the cash more than a furry friend, so Andy’s father decides they will sell him for veal. Heartbroken but determined, Andy sets out to find a way to save his friend.

I highly recommend reading the foreword and the afterword; I wouldn’t have realized all the historical information in the story without them.

(Reviewed by an Official Good and Beautiful Reviewer)

Region Kentucky
Period 1940s
Genre Fiction
Digital Format Audiobook, E-book
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Audiobook
  • E-Book
  • 3.5 Entertainment Value
  • 4.5 Moral Value
  • 3.5 Educational Value
  • 4 Literary Value
Rating System