Creative Minds Biography Series

By Various Authors
Level 4

Packed with educational value, these books (around 60 pages long each) are nicely written for a fourth grade reading level. Black and white illustrations are included every 2-3 pages.

Books in this series that we have reviewed and recommend: What are You Figuring Now? A Story about Benjamin Banneker; Go Free or Die; Remember the Ladies; Walking the Road to Freedom; What Do You Mean? A Story of Noah Webster; Germ Hunter; A World of Knowing; Fine Print; A Pocketful of Goobers; Sisters Against Slavery; Revolutionary Poet; Shoes for Everyone; President of the Underground Railroad; Frontier Surgeons

Books in this series that are not our favorite: The Worker’s Detective: A Story about Dr. Alice Hamilton

(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)

Series Yes
Genre Biography
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • 3 Entertainment Value
  • 4.5 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 4 Literary Value
Rating System