Eddie (SERIES) by Carolyn Haywood

Eddie Series

By Carolyn Haywood
Level 4

We reviewed a few books in this series, and they were all great, clean entertainment. The writing is great and the characters are respectful. I love that the book holds children’s attention without having to be about constant thrills and adventure. The books are funny and entertaining. The books are out of print and hard to find. They can be read in any order.

Books in this series we recommend: Annie Pat and Eddie, Eddie and Gardenia, Eddie and His Big Deals, Eddie and Louella, Eddie Makes Music, Eddie the Dog Holder, Eddie’s Friend Boodles, Eddie’s Green Thumb, Eddie’s Happenings, Eddie’s Menagerie, Eddie’s Pay Dirt, Eddie’s Valuable Property, Ever-Ready Eddie, Little Eddie, Merry Christmas from Eddie

Books in this series that did not make the booklist: Eddie and the Fire Engine

(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)

Series Yes
Genre Fiction
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Hard to Find
  • Gentle Favorite
  • 3.5 Entertainment Value
  • 3 Moral Value
  • 1 Educational Value
  • 3.5 Literary Value
Rating System