Energy Island

By Allen Drummond
Picture Books

Besides the windy weather, there was nothing special about the island of Samsø in Denmark. That was until the ordinary citizens decided to do something extraordinary. By learning and spreading awareness about nonrenewable and renewable energy, the people of Samsø were able to become almost completely energy-independent! They were able to do it all with the power of the wind and many helpful hands. Inspired by a true story, this book teaches children and adults alike that with hard work and big ideas anyone can make a difference in the world. Along with sharing inspirational messages, this book includes fun side-notes on the pages which educate readers on the terms, factors, processes, and consequences of different types of energy use.

(Reviewed by an official Good and Beautiful Reviewer)

Region Denmark
Period Modern
Genre Historical Fiction
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • 3 Entertainment Value
  • 3 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 3.5 Literary Value
Rating System