Miss Lady Bird’s Wildflowers

By Kathi Appelt
Picture Books

Claudia Alta Taylor, known as Lady Bird, grew up in the enchanting woods in East Texas. At a young age she dealt with extreme loneliness because of her mother’s passing, but found companionship in nature. She loved wildflowers with her whole heart, and found both peace and inspiration in their beauty. They greeted her everywhere she went and in everything she did. Whether it was breaking the stereotype and attending college, or marrying a promising congressman named Lyndon Baines Johnson, she was never alone. Through a tragic turn of events, Lady Bird found herself First Lady of the United States of America and Lyndon as president. She had many responsibilities, but found it most important to share her love of nature with the struggling country. She did this by getting the Highway Beautification Act passed as well as many other similar changes that involved plants. This is a touching story that brings an appreciation for wildlife and Lady Bird’s environmental vision to all readers.

(Reviewed by an Official Good and Beautiful Reviewer)

Region United States
Genre Biography, Nonfiction
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • 4 Entertainment Value
  • 4 Moral Value
  • 4 Educational Value
  • 3 Literary Value
Rating System