Mission Migration

By Ileana Board
Picture Books

Today, the distinctive call of the whooping crane can be heard across many marshes in the United States, but this was not always the case. These majestic birds were a hair’s breadth from extinction until a dedicated group of conservationists, scientists, and daredevil pilots decided to give them a fighting chance at survival. Learn about these delightful cranes and the innovative, groundbreaking, and comical lengths rescuers went to, to ensure these amazing specimens of God’s handiwork would be around for future generations to enjoy.

This book is a suggested read-aloud for The Good and the Beautiful Birds Science Unit Study.

(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)

Region North America, United States
Genre Nonfiction
The Good and the Beautiful Library Yes
  • In The Good and the Beautiful Library
  • 4 Entertainment Value
  • 2 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 3 Literary Value
Rating System