Richard Scarry Level 2 Books by Richard Scarry

Richard Scarry Books

By Richard Scarry
Picture Books

While the books do not focus on character-building messages, they do promote respectful behavior. Scarry’s picture books are usually between a reading Level 2 or 3.

Books in the series we have reviewed and recommend: The Early Bird; Pie Rats Ahoy; Billy Dog’s Bad Day; Watch Your Step Mr. Rabbit; Cars and Trucks and Things That Go; The Best Mistake Ever; Please and Thank You Book; What Do People Do All Day?; A Day at the Fire Station; Good Night, Little Bear; Busytown Race Day; A Day at the Airport; Balloons and Other Fun Things; X-Rays and Other Fun Things; Mr. Fixit’s Magnet Machine; Busy, Busy World; Busy, Busy Town; The Best Christmas Present Ever!; Funniest Storybook Ever; The Adventures of Lowly Worm; Great Big Schoolhouse.

(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)

Series Yes
Genre Fiction
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • 2 Moral Value
  • 2.5 Educational Value
  • 3.5 Literary Value
Rating System