The Hitler Dilemma by Carolyn Twede Frank

The Hitler Dilemma

By Carolyn Twede Frank
Level 7

The official description reads: “From the horrors of battle and the sorrow of separation from family to the privations of a prisoner of war, Carolyn Twede Frank’s groundbreaking novel The Hitler Dilemma is a poignant chronicle of one remarkable young man’s struggle to reconcile his sense of duty with his staunch opposition to the evil tyrant destroying the country he loves.” The writing is great and the story is profound. It is fascinating to see how the protagonist deals with his struggles.

(Reviewed by an Official Good and Beautiful Reviewer)

Region Germany
Period World War II
Genre Historical Fiction
Digital Format E-book
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • E-Book
  • Top Picks
  • 4.5 Entertainment Value
  • 5 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 4 Literary Value
Rating System