The Jefferson Lies by David Barton

The Jefferson Lies—Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson

By David Barton
Level 11

In this New York Times best-selling book, David Barton sets out to “correct what he saw as the distorted image of a once-beloved Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson.” In a time when people have forgotten their country’s noble roots and have distorted and twisted the truth about this amazing historical figure, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Even though it is long (416 pages) and is nonfiction, I found it fascinating and engaging. I highly recommend listening to the book with Audible; it’s a great way to get through the book. I am impressed with the use of original documents and sources with which David Barton makes his case.

(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)

Genre Nonfiction
Digital Format Audiobook
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Audiobook
  • 4 Entertainment Value
  • 5 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 5 Literary Value
Rating System