The Moon over Star

By Dianna Hutts Aston
Picture Books

A young girl from a farm town marvels at the upcoming space mission. She has her own “blast off” with her cousins, watches the space landing, and dreams about what it might look like to be an astronaut one day! However, her grandpa has ideas of his own. He is a strong believer that the money used for space expeditions could be used to help those in need. Will Grandpa have a change of heart as he sees his granddaughter’s point of view? Follow along to find out!

I love this book because it shows a young girl who has dreams and is genuinely passionate about something. Her family supports her and helps her learn everything she can about what she loves!

(Reviewed by Kate Phillips)

Region United States
Period 1969
Genre Historical Fiction
Digital Format Audiobook
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Audiobook
  • 3.5 Entertainment Value
  • 3 Moral Value
  • 3 Educational Value
  • 3 Literary Value
Rating System