The Sword of the Spirit: The Story of William Tyndale by Joyce McPherson

The Sword of the Spirit—The Story of William Tyndale

By Joyce McPherson
Level 9

This book is written well and in easy-to-understand language. However, the concepts and long list of characters in the book are a little more difficult to follow, so I suggest the book for ages 12 or older. I think it would be most enjoyed by children 15+. After reading this book, I felt that I understood the life of William Tyndale very well. The author writes in the style of a fictionalized biography but bases all of the main events, details, and characters on true events and people.

(Reviewed by an Official Good and Beautiful Reviewer)

Period 16th Century, 1500s
Genre Biography, Fiction
Digital Format E-book
The Good and the Beautiful Library No
  • Audiobook
  • E-Book
  • 2.5 Entertainment Value
  • 5 Moral Value
  • 5 Educational Value
  • 4 Literary Value
Rating System